Prime Big Deal Days: Maximize Sales Before, During And After!
October 03, 2024

Prime Big Deal Days and Your Holiday Sales Strategy

Prime Big Deal Days may not be as famous as Black Friday or Cyber Monday, but if you’re looking to get a head start on holiday sales, it’s time to start preparing. Think of Prime Big Deal Days as an early opportunity to drive momentum before the holiday shopping frenzy begins.

It’s not just a one-time boost either—it’s a chance to refine your strategies, test your listings, and ensure everything is working smoothly before the holiday rush hits. By the time Black Friday rolls around, you’ll be ready. You’ll know which products resonate with shoppers, which promotions work best, and how to manage your inventory to avoid running out or overstocking.

So, let’s discuss how to maximize success before, during, and after Prime Big Deal Days—because all three stages are essential.

Before Prime Big Deal Days: Get Ready for Success 

The secret to success during Prime Big Deal Days is preparation. A lot of the heavy lifting happens before the event even starts, and it all comes down to getting your inventory and listings in order and figuring out your strategy.

Stocking Inventory: What’s the Right Amount?

It’s tempting to think, “The more inventory, the better,” but that can lead to two problems: overstocking (which means higher storage fees) and understocking (which means missing out on sales). To find the balance, start by looking at your past sales data. How did similar products perform during Prime Day? Did you sell out quickly, or were you left with excess inventory?

Use this data to make informed decisions. If you’re unsure, lean towards stocking your bestsellers and high-demand items first. Keep in mind that some shoppers are on the hunt for early holiday gifts during Prime Big Deal Days, so plan accordingly.

Optimizing Listings: Clear, Consistent, and Ready to Convert

Optimizing your product listings is one of the best things you can do before Prime Big Deal Days. Why? Because shoppers won’t wait around to determine if your product is right for them. They need to know right away—and that means having clear product titles, compelling descriptions, and high-quality images.

Focus on the essentials: What is your product, and why should someone buy it? Make sure your keywords are updated, your bullet points are clear, and your images are top-notch. Double-check that everything is consistent across your product pages if you offer multiple variations (colors, sizes, etc.).

And here’s a quick pro tip: Test your listings yourself. Go through the buying process as if you were a customer. Is everything easy to understand? Is the buying decision clear? If not, it’s time to make some tweaks before Prime Big Deal Days arrive.

Marketing Your Offers: Start Early

Here’s where a lot of sellers miss an opportunity—don’t wait until Prime Big Deal Days to promote your deals. Shoppers plan, and you should too. Start teasing your deals through email marketing or social media a week or two before the event.

Building anticipation is critical, especially if you have loyal customers who would jump at the chance for an exclusive deal. You want them to come back on Prime Big Deal Days with your products already in mind.

Want to see how shoppers navigated this year’s Prime Day? Don’t miss Amazon Prime Day Recap: Cold Open and Our Prime Day Purchases, where we dive into the strategies that worked.

During Prime Big Deal Days: It’s Game Time

Now that Prime Big Deal Days have arrived, it’s all about execution. You’ve done the preparation—your listings are optimized, your inventory is ready, and your promotions are live. Now, it’s time to keep the momentum going.

Prime Exclusive Discounts: Why They Matter

If you haven’t already set up Prime Exclusive Discounts, now is the time. These discounts are only available to Prime members, which means you’re offering deals to one of Amazon’s most active (and loyal) customer bases.

The trick with Prime Exclusive Discounts is making sure you meet Amazon’s requirements. The discount has to be at least 5% off the lowest price your product has been listed for in the past 30 days, so double-check your pricing before you submit. You don’t want to miss out on the chance to stand out with these exclusive offers.

This can give your product a big visibility boost—plus, Prime members love the idea of “exclusive” deals, which can push them toward making a purchase.

Managing Your PPC Campaigns: Stay on Top of It

If you’re running PPC (pay-per-click) ads, don’t set them and forget them. During Prime Big Deal Days, you want to be monitoring your campaigns closely. Check-in on your ad spend, your click-through rates, and, most importantly, your conversion rates.

To stay ahead, check out these new features in Amazon PPC that can help elevate your strategy.

If you notice certain ads are performing better than others, consider increasing your bids to capture more traffic. If an ad isn’t converting, tweak it or reallocate your budget to something that is working. Real-time adjustments can make all the difference in getting the most out of Prime Big Deal Days.

This is also an excellent time to experiment with different keywords. Shoppers may be searching for terms specific to holiday shopping, so think about adding seasonal or holiday-related keywords to capture that traffic.

Be Ready to Pivot

Prime Big Deal Days are unpredictable. Maybe you’ll sell out of a top product faster than expected. Perhaps a particular promotion will blow up in a way you didn’t expect. The key is to be agile.

If you run out of stock on a high-demand product, shift your focus to a similar item. If a particular promotion is driving lots of sales, push it harder. Staying flexible and responding to trends in real time will help you get the most out of the event.

After Prime Big Deal Days: Keep the Momentum Going 

Once Prime Big Deal Days wrap up, it’s easy to think the work is over. But if you want to make the most of the event, the post-event phase is just as important. This is your chance to analyze the data, make improvements, and get ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Review and Learn: What Worked?

The first thing you should do is take a deep dive into your sales data. Which products performed well? Were there any surprises? Did a particular promotion drive more traffic than expected?

This is your opportunity to gather insights that will help you refine your strategy for the rest of the holiday season. If something worked well, double down on it. If something didn’t, now’s the time to adjust.

And don’t forget to review your PPC campaigns. Look at what keywords brought in the most sales, and use that information to fine-tune your ads going forward. By understanding what worked (and what didn’t), you can set yourself up for even more considerable success during Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Restock and Prep for Black Friday

With Prime Big Deal Days behind you, now it’s time to focus on the next big event: Black Friday. Look at your inventory levels and restock anything that sold well during Prime Big Deal Days. Remember, Black Friday brings in even more traffic, so make sure you’re ready.

It’s also a good idea to take a fresh look at your product listings. Are there any adjustments you can make based on what you learned during Prime Big Deal Days? Can you improve your descriptions or add better images? Now is the time to make those updates.

Retargeting Shoppers: Don’t Let Them Forget

After Prime Big Deal Days, you have another opportunity: retargeting. Shoppers who browsed your products but didn’t buy are prime candidates for follow-up offers. Use email marketing or Amazon’s retargeting tools to bring them back. Consider offering a small discount or free shipping to encourage them to make the purchase they were on the fence about.

Preparing for Holiday Sales: Black Friday and Beyond

With Prime Big Deal Days behind you, the holiday season is just getting started. Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the December holidays are on the horizon, and now is the time to refine your strategy based on what you learned.

Scaling Up for the Holidays

Prime Big Deal Days offer valuable data that can help you scale up your efforts for Black Friday and beyond. Use the insights you gained to make informed decisions about inventory, PPC campaigns, and promotions. The more prepared you are, the better you’ll perform when holiday traffic ramps up.

Keep a close eye on your supply chain and logistics. The holiday season is busy for everyone, and delays can happen. Plan to ensure your products are in stock and ready to ship as soon as the orders start rolling in.

Final Thoughts on Prime Big Deal Days: Before, During & After

Prime Big Deal Days is more than just a one-day event—it’s a strategic opportunity to set yourself up for success throughout the holiday season. What you do before, during, and after the event will determine how well you perform, not just on Prime Big Deal Days but also on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and beyond.

Before the event, make sure your inventory is stocked and your listings are optimized. During Prime Big Deal Days, stay agile and monitor your PPC campaigns closely. Afterward, review your data, adjust your strategies, and prepare for the next wave of holiday shoppers.

By taking a thoughtful and flexible approach, you’ll be ready to make the most of Prime Big Deal Days—and carry that momentum through the rest of the year.

For even more insights on how to succeed during major Amazon events, check out our detailed guide on How to Maximize on Prime Day: Do’s and Don’ts of Amazon’s Holiday

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